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Poiesis Garden






                                            - 林 熙



“The power of arts can light up our heart!”   



Snowy H. Lam

Dr. CHEUNG, C.Y. Amos (Clinical Psychologist)

Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology), HKU

Member of Register of Clinical Psychologists accredited by Department of Health

Registered Member, Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists

Registered Clinical Psychologist (DCP, HKPS)

Fellow, The Hong Kong Psychological Society

Bachelor of Social Work, HKU

President, The Hong Kong Psychological Society (2013-14, 2017-19)

Chair, Division of Clinical Psychology, HKPS (2014-17)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, HKU

Adjunct Assistant Professor, SWSA, HKU

Member, Guardianship Board (Since 2020)

Focusing Trainer, Coordinator in Training, International Focusing Institute

Registered Social Worker


Dr Amos CHEUNG is a seasoned Clinical Psychologist in private practice. 


Amos is specialized in working with the depressed and anxious, marital relationships, children and families, as well as death and bereavement. He also has expertise in conducting neuropsychological assessments and forensic/custodial evaluations. Amos is trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Focusing Therapy (Person-Centered Therapy), and Satir Model Family Therapy.


Dr Amos CHEUNG is the Past President of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (2013-14, 2017-19) and Past Chair of the Division of Clinical Psychology, the Hong Kong Psychological Society (2014-2017).




  • 衛生署認可臨床心理學家名冊會員

  • 香港臨床心理學家公會 註冊會員

  • 註冊臨床心理學家 (DCP, HKPS)

  • 香港心理學會院士 (DCP, HKPS)

  • 香港大學臨床心理哲學博士

  • 香港大學社會工作學士

  • 香港心理學會會長 (2013-14, 2017-19)

  • 香港心理學會臨床心理學組主席 (2014-17)

  • 香港大學心理學系客座助理教授

  • 香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系客座助理教授

  • 監護委員會成員(自 2020 年起)

  • 註冊生命自覺(聚焦)培訓師,國際生命自覺(聚焦)研究所

  • 註冊社工


張博士不但擁有豐富的臨床及學術經驗,更精於法醫心理評估及兒童監護評估,可為不同年齡的有需要人士,提供專業的服務及報告。他能操流利的英語,粵語及普通話 (國語),分別兼任香港大學心理學系、社會工作及社會行政學系客座助理教授。

過去,他曾作為香港大學助理研究教授,研究範疇主要包括父母子女關係,親子家庭教育及長者精神健康。張博士亦曾為香港大學心理學系和香港中文大學心理學系的榮譽臨床督導專員。  在任職香港醫院管理局轄下的精神病醫院期間,作為臨床心理學家,專門為兒童及成年人提供心理治療和腦神經心理評估,並為病人及其護理人員提供有關心理講座、策劃心理教育工作坊和諮詢服務等。

張氏曾到美國和澳洲深造,受教於專治「兒童焦慮症」的認知行為治療名師 Prof. Philip Kendall 和 Prof. Ron Rapee。早年重點研究「認知行為理論」作基礎的一套治療「兒童焦慮症」的方法,專攻香港焦慮症兒童的療效。現主要研究如何以「聚焦心理 –人本心理治療」以及「薩提亞家庭治療」為基礎的專業治療模式,協助病人克服心理障礙,更為病人提高心理素質及抗逆力,從而改善病人生活狀況。



Miss. LAM, Hei Snowy (Expressive Arts Therapist)


Registered Arts Therapist (AThR), of The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA) 

Professional Member of International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA)

Professional Member of Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong (EATAHK)

Master of Expressive Arts Therapy of the University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Master of Science in Urban Planning of the University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Bachelor of Arts (honours) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU)


Ms. Snowy Lam is the founder of Poiesis Garden, which promotes healthy development of body-mind-spirit integration. She works with a wide range of clients including people with mood disorder, bereaved, demented and cross-cultural impact.  Through the multimodal expressive arts therapy as non-verbal means, Snowy conducts both individual treatment and group sessions, as well as workshops and seminars for corporates in searching for team building, stress management, personal development, and work-life balance.


Snowy is proficient in traditional Chinese paintings and in integrating traditional Chinese cultures and philosophy, such Zen, I-Ching, Taoism, to assist people enhancing self-awareness and elevate personal qualities.  As an artist who specialised in watercolour, Chinese Ink wash and after Song Meticulous Paintings, Snowy treats practising various arts modalities as lifelong cultivation and mindfulness practice. She is also devoted in traditional arts and cultures, such as Chinese classic dance, Chinese calligraphy, Guqin, Inner Alchemy and Taiji.  Snowy values our cultural characteristics and is chiefly interested in using the creative process to trigger healing and personal growth. Through the lenses of philosophy of life, integrative scientific, systematic and humanistic healing processes, clients can restore a healthy and balanced lifestyle, gain insight and in-depth understanding of the inner and outer world. She is a native Cantonese speaker, fluent in Mandarin, Fuzhou dialect and English. She is currently active in Hong Kong and Mainland, China.



林  熙小姐 (創意藝術導師及表達藝術治療師)


  • 澳洲、新西蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會(ANZACATA) 註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (AThR)

  • 國際表達藝術治療協會(IEATA)專業會員

  • 香港表達藝術治療協會(EATAHK)專業會員

  • 表達藝術治療碩士(香港大學)

  • 城市規劃碩士(香港大學)

  • 藝術及哲學(榮譽)文學士(香港大學)

林小姐提供表達藝術治療服務,透過非言語為主導的多元藝術作媒介,以科學化、系統化和人性化的方法,提供適當的心理輔導和治療,幫助有情緒、焦慮、抑鬱、喪親、認知障礙、跨文化差異等困擾的人士 。


林小姐除了是一位藝術(表達藝術)治療師,亦可稱為表達藝術治療外,同時亦是一位創意藝術導師,她相信創意是源自對於基本功和傳統的高度掌握和了解,在穩健的基礎上開展無限的可能性。因此,她十分重視我們自身的文化特徵,她本身作為一名專攻宋代工筆畫、鑽研中國水墨和書法的藝術家,同時,還熱衷於研習中國古典舞蹈、古琴、香藝、內丹和太極等傳統文化藝術。她將練習各種藝術形式視為身心修煉的道路,而且特別關注及利用藝術的創作過程,來引發療愈、探索個人成長和開啟潛能。 林小姐也善於利用傳統經典文化包括禪、易學、道學助人減壓、認識自我、改善情緒管理。通過生命哲學的視角,綜合科學和人文精神,有系統和目標的學習過程,達致修身堂、提升自信和個人素質,助人活出各自的生命意義。

除了個案治療,林女士亦可為團體或企業,提供小組體驗或工作坊,以助提升事業發展、團隊建立或壓力管理 。林小姐目前活躍於香港和大中華地區,能操流利廣東話、精通英語及普通話。





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