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Poiesis Garden
再見「公主王子病」- 表達藝術治療有妙法
甚麼是「公主王子病」? 最近有位約六歲男孩,因為自理能力很弱,來尋求表達藝術治療的幫助。剛巧這天高溫炎熱,男孩與媽媽滿頭大汗趕到。入治療室之前,他與媽媽有一段有趣的對話: 男孩(不耐煩態度):「好熱啊! 好口渴啊!我要飲嘢!」...

兒童情緒管理 藝術幫到手
家長:「阿女逢測驗或考試都肚痛,影響成績表現,但睇醫生又話冇事,都唔知咩事!」 家長:「阿仔都7歲了,今年開學後竟然經常尿床,話極都唔改,激死我!」 家長:「阿女自從升小一後,經常發惡夢,甚至驚醒後很難再入睡,成日冇精神,唔想返學,點算? 」...

Healthy Aging
The New York Times March 7, 2016 Throughout the country, the arts are pumping new life into the bodies and minds of the elderly. Two...

Tips for a balanced lifestyle
1. Step away from the email Is this incessant checking of emails and social media adding to productivity or just pointless stress? 2....

Media interviews
Using Arts to Promote Healthy Aging (1) Using Arts to Promote Healthy Aging (2) Using Arts to Promote Healthy Aging (3) Using Arts to...

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