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Art of Meticulous Painting
1 US dollar
Service Description
Meticulous meaning “Gong-bi” (工筆), very fine and details. In the past, it only belongs to royal painter work for the court, who are good at using detailed brushstrokes that depict images very precisely. It is usually very colourfully depicting figural, flower, bird or narrative subjects. Nowadays, those who are interested can study and enjoy a very peaceful and focused art-making process as long as they have the basic skills of Chinese traditional painting. 工筆的意思是“精工細筆”,在古代多為皇家服務的宮庭畫師主理,他們善於運用非常精確細節的筆觸來繪畫作品。 它通常是色彩飽滿而瑰麗的,通常描繪俏象、花卉、鳥類或別有主題。現今,有興趣人士只要具備中國傳統繪畫基本功,便可以學習及享受十分專注的繪畫這程。
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